Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where Rocking Horse People Eat Marshmallow Pies

Christan Ciulus and I have been working very hard on a collaborative installational show featuring mixed media sculpture, ceramics, and wall pieces for the First Friday of November 2009.

Here are the show details:

November 6-8, 2009
Gallery 1010, downtown Knoxville, TN on Gay Street

Gallery Opening: November 6th 6-9pm

The gallery will also be open Saturday Nov. 7 from 12-5pm and Sunday Nov. 8 from 12-4pm.

Here's a link to the gallery website if you desire more information.

There will be music, food, and a lot of fun!

Hope to see you there!

Changing things up: PRINTMAKING

So last Spring I took a printmaking course with Koichi Yamamoto at the University of Tennessee. Previous to the class, I had very little experience with printmaking. A good friend of mine, Maria, is a printmaker and she inspired me to try out the medium. Like ceramics, it is very process-oriented and there is always an element of surprise in the end.

I had so much fun during the course, that I asked Koichi if I could be his assistant at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts at the beginning of August for a workshop. He consented and we worked together with about 8 students furiously all week learning intaglio and relief processes. It was a wonderful experience.

Here are a few of my prints

Intaglio Spores on gampi paper chine cole on BFK, 2009
Redbud Monoprint and Intaglio, 2009
Redbud Etching on gampi paper chine cole on BFK, 2009
Pieces, Etching, 2009
Honeycomb in Deterioration, collagraph, 2009
Drypoint VI, 2009
Hexagon Monoprint, 2009
Hexagon Monoprints, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pottery, to be or not to be

I have never fancied myself a potter.  I have always gravitated to more sculptural work.  Last fall I took a throwing class.  I had not thrown on the wheel since I was in middle school.  It is a skill that must be practice, practice a lot to perfect.  Unfortunately (in my opinion) there is a trend in art that emphasizes concept over technique.  I am not opposed to concept, but too frequently, "artists" do not learn the technical skills well enough to successfully convey their ideas.  Technical processes are merely tools to convey a concept.  It takes time to develop a skill and I have this idea that because of our increasingly fast-paced and fractured society, many persons do not want to take the time to learn a skill or trade.

So I took a throwing class.  Recently I was fortunate enough to come across a wonderful deal on a potter's wheel.  It is a Brent CXC.  I want to focus more on pottery over the next year.  This is my goal.  I never really thought that I would enjoy pottery as much as sculpture.  I didn't want to lose my voice.  What I'm realizing is that I can combine pottery and my interests to make more interesting pieces.  I also have satisfaction in opening the cupboard, seeing a bowl I made, and using it.  Functionality isn't always a bad thing, as many artists believe.

I really want to throw that "perfect" vessel, even, thin walls with a nice foot.  It is a goal of mine.  I know that I can, I just need to practice more.  The wheel is currently at the school that I work at.  I am going to make it my goal to throw 2 vessels everyday I work at the school.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Well I have had this blog for a while now but have not posted on it until now.  I am an artist and an educator.  Most often I work 3-dimensionally.  My passion is ceramics.  I love clay.  It's messy and unpredictable. I will work for hours and hours on one project.  It is so satisfying to open the kiln (the machine we use to fire clay) up, not knowing if the piece survived the firing, and seeing a successful piece.  I make sculptures as well as pottery and have done a little bit of both over the past year.

I also mentioned that I am an educator.  I'm working on my Masters in Art Education and am currently teaching at the Episcopal School of Knoxville.  I just finished up my second year there and will start my third in August.  I love it.  I love teaching.  I was fortunate to have a great art education growing.  My mother is an art teacher and artist.  Both of my parents supported any type of art I wanted to explore.  I want to foster such positive experiences with the arts in other young people.

Here's some of my art.  I'll try to post more of my past work with every blog.

In order:

Stumps, cone 10
Containment, cone 5, jars
A. artemisifolia, cone 5
Cynomorium, cone 05

Oh, and a special thanks to Carl who makes my art look better than it is through his wonderful photography skills.